Saturday, September 21, 2013

Long time, no see.

Well it's been a LONG time since I last posted a blog so here I am again!!  I deactivated my Facebook account last week.  I did it for many reasons, but the number one reason was that I spent WAY too much time on it!!  God had been dealing with me on the subject for a couple of months and I just kept putting it aside or "ignoring" him. 

I love Facebook for many reasons:
#1. I can keep up with my family and friends whom I never get to see.
#2. I like to share pictures of my family because I just love them so much!!  :)
#3. I can share pictures of my crochet work and also pictures of all the different hairstyles I do.
#4. There are so many business pages out there that I follow.  I love to see everybody's different talents and all the different things people are able to make!

There are other reasons, but that was the short list.

Well a couple of weeks ago I went to a revival and the sermon hit me right in between the eyes. Ever had that happen to you before? was like God speaking out loud to me!  The sermon was about putting things before God.  I really REALLY felt like Facebook was becoming more and more of an addiction for me.  I would rather spend time on Facebook than reading my Bible or spending time in prayer.  Now here is the question I had to ask myself.  What is more important??  Facebook or my relationship with God????  Easy answer.....GOD!!  Now I just had to take care of it. 

I spent 2-3 days just saving all the pictures from my Facebook account so I could have them on hand and wouldn't have the temptation of getting back on.  Then it was all or nothing, and for me that was completely deactivating my account.  Some may think I'm silly or crazy for doing it, but to me that's what had to happen.  I had no self control when it came to limiting my time spent browsing, so the best option for me was to get rid of it completely.

That is why I will be posting blogs instead.  Less time spent online and more time with God and my family.  Since deactivating, I have had so much fun spending extra time with my husband and boys.  I've been reading my Bible WAY more than I was before and God has been speaking to me a lot through my devotions.  I'd say this is a good exchange for sure. :)

Now I have to ask you a question.  Is there something in your life that you feel is more important than God??  Are you spending too much time with worldly things, and not Godly things?  If so, my suggestion is to get rid of it ASAP!!  It's not worth it!  God wants us to spend time with him and have a growing relationship with him!  If we never spend that time with him, then how will we grow closer to God?  I hope somehow this post brings some encouragement to you.  God wants YOU!

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